Monday, February 17, 2020

Does Prayer Really Change Things?

Read: Mark 8:22-25

Fresh out of college, I married my high school sweetheart. We had dated for 6 years, and even though we had had a lot of ups and down, we were finally going to be married and be happy!

A few weeks before the wedding, I ran into a family friend and was sharing with him how excited we were about starting our new life together. He said to me, “Once you get married, the real work starts.  Marriage is hard work!” 

I was puzzled by his comment.  I had seen my parents model a relationship of love, trust and respect, a relationship that was built upon their mutual faith and core values, that lasted through all the challenges of life, a total of 71 years.  They made it seem so effortless.  

After we were married, it didn’t take long for the “hard work” to begin.  The weeks, months, years and quarter of a century that followed were nothing I could have ever imagined.  The man I had married and had known since I was 14 years old was not the person I thought he was.  Like the layers of on onion, one lie, and then another, and then another were being revealed. When one shoe of deception and betrayal would drop, I as the enabler would run in and try to fix it.  I was sure that if I loved him enough and kept praying, things would change.

Things did not change.  In fact, they spiraled completely out of control. I wondered, “Where is God in all of this?  Why is He not answering my prayers?” 

It has been 14 years since that relationship ended in divorce after 25 years.  I have a new life now and am so grateful for how God did answer my prayers.  It was a slow process.  He helped me escape from that destructive life. He put people around me on every side to help me heal, including my current husband of the last 10 years.  Many of you have played an irreplaceable role in my healing.  

But even during my healing process, I have still often asked God, “Open my eyes, Lord.  Please reveal to me why this happened?  Why did you allow me to marry this man?  What purpose did this serve in my life?”

During one such prayer time with Jesus recently, I asked, “Why did I waste so much of my life bearing through all the hardship, going to counseling, hoping and against hope?  Why did I not see things clearly? Help me to see what purpose You had in all this?”

Just like the blind man in our story today, God has been healed me ever so slowly.

“My beloved daughter, I have called you to shine the light of hope and truth to those who feel helpless and hopeless.  I will show you the way.”

“My beloved Bride, my love that went to the cross for YOU was not wasted.

When You love others, your love is NEVER WASTED!” 

Thank you, Lord Jesus, that You do answer our prayers.  Even when the answers are not immediate, You are always working, under the surface, causing the seeds to sprout and grow, the seeds of Your amazing vision of restoration, healing and love.  May I ever be rooted and grounded in Your love as I wait in joyful anticipation of how You will reveal Your love to me next!  

Love, Sweet Love

1 Peter 3:8-22

Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. 
1 Peter 3:8 (NIV)

There is an old song playing in my head as I write these words. "What the world needs now, is love, sweet love. That's the only thing there is just too little of." Isn't this the truth. If love ruled the world like it does in the popular Hallmark movies, we would all be so much better off.

Try to envision this: Facebook posts that only speak of loving each other. Grocery store lines with smiling faces, friendly gestures on the highway from fellow motorists. People helping each other out as the normal way to be. Too much to ask?

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)  

Jesus commands us to love each other. These words can be found in numerous places in scripture, so there must be a good reason to love like this. I am sure that initially in The Garden, love was the overarching theme, the reason God created us. God is love and we are created in His image. So, what happened? Why is love such a fleeting and diminishing emotion? Why is it so much more acceptable to hate and condemn and vilify each other?

I have a hope in my heart that eventually love will conquer all. That hope is Jesus, who will come again. Love will be the driving force for everyone. It all comes back to Jesus, the Word, the Truth and Love.

  • How can we make one small change in how we love someone today?
  • How could this change impact others as well as us?

How The Church Works

Acts 2:42-47

I have always found this passage intimidating.  My Christian life doesn't look like this. I don't share everything in common with other believers. And I don't see people coming to Christ in huge numbers.....daily.

I tell myself that, well, it's okay, because that was the experience of the early Church. We can't expect things to be like that in 2020.

Perhaps not. Yes, Acts is a history book - the writer, St. Luke, is telling us what happened in those early days. It's not necessarily prescriptive. But there are definitely things we can learn from these brand new believers.

Fellowship was critical to their growth as a brand new church. They broke bread together DAILY.  They worshiped together DAILY. They saw amazing miracles DAILY. They shared ALL of their possessions.

Is worship an important part of your week? What about fellowship with other believers? Are you experiencing what it is like to share prayer requests, to pray for others, to read God's word together?  I would encourage you that if you are not, that you not delay - go to and check out the small group information.  Once you experience small groups, you will never go back.

And take heart that when the first Christians broke bread together, they did so with "glad and sincere hearts" (v. 46). This is not a burdensome task. God will bless you when you make worship, fellowship, and prayer a priority.

Thank you, Lord, for the church, imperfect as it is - that's because it's filled with sinners just like me. Thank you that you long to bless me, and that as I experience your grace and truth, I will be a blessing to others.

Does Prayer Really Change Things?

Read:  Mark 8:22-25 Fresh out of college, I married my high school sweetheart. We had dated for 6 years, and even though we had had a...